New Project

Open Door: Begin Again

Pain, suffering and struggles are all part of life. We can never undo actions that lead us to our suffering but we can always reset our lives to lead us to new beginnings.

This month's Open Door reminds us of the truth that we can always begin anew.

Roel and Chonette Villa shares about how their struggles have led them to their breaking point yet how these same sufferings have also led their family to see how the Lord has fought their battles for them and how they now live a peaceful and joyful life in the Lord.

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Our preacher, Abyong Calo shares about how we can reset our minds and our lives in times of desolation --- to never give up, to entrust our situation to God and to witness how the Lord's power, love and mercy has pulled us through so we may help others start anew too.

... see how the Lord has fought their battles for them...

Let us never forget that with Christ, we can always reset our lives and begin again.

Relive your Open Door experience, you can watch it again at:
Video: Watch it here.
Recap video: OneTouch Plus App

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